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Essential Oils Practices for Labor


Essential Oils Practices for Labor

Using essential oils during labor is a very personal decision. There are so many factors that effect what will happen during this time, even if you have had children previously, each experience is unique. During the labor process your sense of smell is heightened and things that you thought would help calm you could now be irritating. If you are considering using essential oils during labor, you’ll want to give yourself several options in order to not be limited by the choices you’ve made prior to being in labor. If you are currently pregnant and looking for tools for your labor, check out our Pregnancy and Nursing Chart.

doctor and pregnant woman

A few good ideas during labor are:

  1. The use of an aromatherapy inhaler. If the scent is overwhelming, it can be easily capped and removed so the scent doesn’t become an issue. Use a total of 10-15 drops on the cotton wick for each inhaler.
  2. Massage oil for your birth partner or coach to rub your feet, back and shoulders during the initial stages of labor. If you choose not to use your massage blend during labor – you can always use it later. Keep the dilution low, 1% or up to 9 drops total essential oils to 1 ounce of carrier.
  3. Use a room mist, that creates a calm & positive environment with a few spritzes of scent. This will dissipate quickly so it isn’t overwhelming. Spritz your bed linens or the air in your birthing suite.

essential oil bottle surrounded by white flowers

When making your choices for your labor kit, you want to choose oils that are uplifting, reassuring, calming and have a scent you enjoy. Here are a few essential oils that you may choose during labor:

Of course this isn’t an exhaustive list. You must choose essential oils that are soothing to you and will fit into your birth plan! You can’t allow yourself to feel badly, either, if you don’t end up using your essential oils. Things happen, and labor & birth aren’t a time to second guess yourself. Allow your instincts to take over – this is what our bodies were made to do! Check with your birthing center or hospital if you have plans to bring your diffuser, some may have rules regarding items like this. Having a plan can reduce anxiety and give you a greater sense of control during your labor! May your birth experience be a positive one with lots of love!

Mama’s Favorite Massage Blend

Only for use during labor, as clary sage can stimulate uterine contractions.

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

Combine all ingredients and mix until well combined. Massage on areas of concern.

Stay Focused Room Mist

Only for use during labor, as clary sage can stimulate uterine contractions.

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

Combine all ingredients. Stir or shake into a mist spray bottle until well combined.

Positive Room Mist

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

Combine all ingredients. Stir or shake into a mist spray bottle until well combined.

Allow the oils to “marry” with the witch hazel. This is a great project as you pack your bag. It only takes a few days to blend together nicely. Shake well before each spritz!

If you have any questions, concerns or want to know more please contact us at [email protected] or come on over and join our Facebook page Safe Essential Oil Recipes.