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Natural Skincare Routine - Determining Your Skin Type


Natural Skincare Routine - Determining Your Skin Type

Plant Therapy recently launched our new Oil Facial Cleansers for Oily and Normal/Dry Skin. Many of you have asked which cleansers the Aromatherapists use and what other products we add to our natural skincare routine. Here’s the thing, the skincare routine that I use for my sensitive skin, won’t work for everyone. When choosing essential oils, carrier oils, and hydrosols it is important to be aware of your skin type and choose the products that are best suited for it.

Since this is such a frequently asked question I wanted to address it here on the blog in order to help as many people as possible. Before I can make recommendations for products based on skin types, it is important to first determine yours. There are several ways to determine skin type. Today we are going to discuss three of those ways. To perform these tests you will need a mild cleanser, blotting sheets, and your beautiful face!

Skin Types infographic

Blotting Sheet Method

The first method I would like to discuss is the blotting sheet method. To perform this test take the blotting paper and lightly dab the different areas on your face. Upon completion examine the sheet by holding it up to a source of light. If you find that little to no oil is present then it is most likely that you have dry skin. If the sheet has a light amount of oil from the forehead and nose area then you typically have normal/combination skin. If upon examination you find that the blotting paper is covered with oil then you have oily skin.

Bare-Faced Method

The next method that can be used to determine your skin type is called the bare-faced method. To perform this test gently cleanse and dry your face. Do not use any moisturizing agents or toners. After an hour evaluate your skin and check for shine. If your skin is tight and parched then you have dry skin. If your t-zone is shiny but your cheeks are not then you have normal/combination skin. If the shine covers your forehead, nose, and cheeks it is most likely that you have oily skin.

Pore Size Method

Skin Care

The last method I would like to discuss is the pore size method. After cleansing your face take a look at your pores in the mirror. If you can’t see your pores it is likely that you have dry skin. Those with normal skin will be able to see their pores but they won’t be large. If you can still see your pores after taking a few steps back from the mirror it is most likely that you have oily skin.

Sensitive Skin

These methods help us to determine whether we have dry, normal/combination, or oily skin but what about sensitive skin? It may not come as a surprise but if you have sensitive skin, you most likely know it. Those who have sensitive skin have had an adverse reaction to a skincare or cosmetic product at some point in their lives and often times it is difficult to find a product that doesn’t cause irritation and redness. The good news is using natural skin care products such as carrier oils, certain essential oils, and hydrosols can reduce your likelihood of having an adverse reaction.

Over the next few weeks, we will address each skin type and provide recommendations that are specific to your specific concern. In the meantime, if you have questions about choosing the right products for you, be sure to email an Aromatherapist at [email protected].